Monday, June 11, 2012

Transferred Guarapiranga...opening a new area again!


1. Where did you get transferred?

I am in Guarapiranga, Chacara Santana. And I am opening an area. We don't have a house or cell phone. We are living with other Elders in their area. So we have to walk to our area everyday to teach. It's quite the walk. We are broke. Holy cow, we had to take 2 buses and a train to get to the mission office, because our ride fell. We got lost so we had to take another bus. We have my 3 suitcases covered to not get wet. Then to get to the new area we took 2 buses and a train as well but with 6 suitcases since we are opening area. Quite an adventure. But I am so happy and miracles are happening in our area. We were left with nothing. and the area is growing. we have 5 people marked for baptism. Heck yeah!

2. So what is your new area like?

Out in the middle of nowhere with ghettos. Haha how great!

3. Why did they transfer you? Do they tell you?

Because of the gossip of the ward. There were a few recent converts that didn't like us. An American and Argentinian, and we told her we would stop everyday at here house just to visit. She got mad and made up lies. So President took us out.

4. Who is your new companion and where is he from?

Elder Rasmussen from Idaho Falls. He is new doesn't speak anything. But we had the same trainer. I'm his second comp and I'm still breaking him in. But holy smokes, he is awesome! He is way organized and has a huge desire to work! We are going to rock this place! With my social skills and his organization we are going to rock this joint!

5. So did you see the specialist for your jaw? Or did you cancel the appointment?

No... because I'm opening an area. I'll take care of it when I get home. And if it gets to the point where it gets worse I'll get it resolved. I want to handle this. The lord will bless me in my service. I'm taking meds and what not. No worries.

6. Did you get my letter that had the $2 bills in it?

I did :) Thanks mom :)

7. Would you like to have a family fast for your jaw? Say next fast Sunday?

pode ser. vou jejuar com vocês este domingo. (May be. I will fast with you this Sunday.)

8. How is the language coming? Have you been able to pick up on the really fast speaking?

Haha of you have no idea. The Lord has blessed me. Incredible. Hahah gift of tongues. Some people ask if I'm from the South of Brazil. haha

9.Did you get my package? The one with the Electric tooth brush?
I did get it. I'm loving the tooth brush. With a nicer and clean smile :) Love you mom!

10. Is there anything else you would like in a package? Ma sent the q-tips in her package.
Perfect! Let me think. I think that's it really.

11. Do you write in a journal every day or every week?

No. It's been awhile since I've written in my journal. But I will write today. Haha lots of things happening! Some pretty great stories as well :)

Anyways, sounds like lots of things are happening! Tell Brody to serve a mission! He won't regret it! Just forget everything and go. He will be blessed!
Anyways, I'm excited to be here! I'm loving this life. Even though we have nothing, I am so happy! The Lord is blessing us so much. I love you all and am giving everything I got here.

love ya!
Elder Firl

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