Tuesday, April 3, 2012


1. Did you tell your Mission President that you lost the phone? You reported it right so that they could cancel it.
Yeah I called right when we lost it. And we went down to the police station to get everything settled. It is a little different down here. I was like, uh... whats the police station going to do about a cell phone that fell. And well... they didn't do anything. What a surprise. BUT! I know a lot of people in the office, so I was able to work my connections and we got a cell phone this week. Haha it's so good to have a cell phone. The bad thing, we lost every one of our cell phone contacts in the ward. But all is well, we got a cell phone with the same number too! This is pretty rare.

2. What kind of hygiene items do you need? Looking at sending another box…

Well I need more Gel. The brand is GOT 2 BE GLUED. idk what styling gel it is, but the bottle looking think is yellow with black writing. It's more of a glue, (yes white creamy lookin' stuff.) But I don't need anymore stickers. I have a butt load and disposable razors. If you could just get the razor heads that would be fantastic for my pro glide fusion. I don't really like the disposable razors.

3. Are you and Elder Woodward talking in Portuguese or in English to each other?
Well I pretty much refuse to speak English. But, I liked using all the slang in English and what not. But were both forgetting to speak English, so at times it's just easier to speak Portuguese. But other times, there are some words idk how to say in Portuguese and well... being with an American I am lazy to look the word up. but its usually Portuguese.

4. Do you still have another set of missionaries in your apartment? Are they new and are they good examples for your companion?
The other missionaries are awesome! Love them! The one from Uruguay and a Brazilian.

5. Is there a zoo in your area?
Haha my area is a zoo. With the tents and people. Haha but literally, there is no zoo.

6. Did you hear about Elder Schenk before I told you?

The kid who got hit by a bus? I don't remember.

7. Did the tent people leave yet?
Haha not yet. But this week, there were 4 helicopters flying over the tents. And well, they were not news helicopters. It looks like they were planning and getting an update on how to kick them out. But while this was happening, the people were saying, we will not leave. blah blah blah. So they haven't left yet, but it looks like they will sent the SHOCK or ROTA to kick them out. and it wont be pretty.

8. How come you don’t go see sights on your P-Day? Are you asked not to?
Well... I'm just lazy. And I really don't have money to take a bus to a place in the zone. Usually I'll stop by in Embu to get something. But since I have 8 months in the same zone, I've passed in every single area in the zone. I'm the most time here in this zone.

9. Did you get to listen to all 5 sessions of General conference? In English? I know you said you thought you would be able to. Was it hard to listen to it in English when you are used to hearing Portuguese?
I did have the opportunity to listen to Conference in English, all 5 sessions! It was pretty sweet! The thing about a language is its easier to understand that to speak. So, I can understand English perfectly, but to talk at times, its a tongue twister. It's the same thing with Portuguese, its easier to listen than to speak.

But let me tell ya, CONFERENCE WAS AWESOME! I loved Elder Hollands talk. He speaks with such power. And then I really loved Elder Uchtdorfs' discourse as well. About forgiveness and what not. I loved it! I will have to get copy of all the talks. Conference was so sweet, truly they are men called of God.

10. Did you get my Easter box yet?
I did! THANKS MOM! :)

11. Any new contacts this week?

Haha no. This week consisted of getting vistas taken care of, getting a cell phone, an interview with President Pinho, and then General Conference. OH and a division with the zone leaders. so... no. But, President Pinho wanted to inspect our house, and let me tell ya, we cleaned our house SO good. Oh yeah! He was quite impressed. And he commented about the tents. It was pretty great! And then he told me I am one of the most animated missionaries on the mission. I have so much enthusiasm and what not.

12. Any cool experiences?
Just conference. And what else.... oh I found out that President Pinho has SO many connections. I heard that one of the Elders that finished the mission didn't get into Provo at BYU. President Pinho heard and called them, and well he got in. Hahaha he has got so many connections. I will be sure to talk to the prez to maybe help me out OR write a letter of recommendation.
Also, at conference in the stake center. I saw a ton of people from Itapecerica!!! Inez and Cleane, John, Sandra, Mayara. Oh it was so nice to see everyone. But the first thing almost everyone said was, Elder FIRL! Holy cow, you got way skinny! And your Portuguese is GREAT! Haha it was pretty funny. I guess I've lost a good amount of weight here in Sao Marcos.

But other than that, this was my week! I loved the pics! It sounds like everyone is doing well! Happy B-day Alex! parabéns pra você

com amor,

Elder Firl

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